
sculpture in front: Roman Schulze; photos on the beverage refrigerator: Jakob Argauer

Al' Quds is an Arabic name for Jerusalem. It is also name of a mosque in Hamburg, which is since Venice Biennale and Romuald Karmakar's movie, known for Imam's Mohammed Fazazi's talk in which he practically summons on war against western culture and everything what is not Muslim. Quds Day is an annual event, expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people and opposing Zionism as well as Israel's control of Jerusalem. Further on it is a name of bistro in Leipzig, which sells kebabs and all sorts of Palestinian dishes. All in all it is quite a background for an exhibiting room, which is what Eurokrem, a group of Leipzig artists did out of Palestinian Bistro in center of Leipzig. For one day bistro turned in to an art gallery, where visitors and employs could view works made on subject Al' Quds.


About Eurokrem


Eurokrem is an international artist group from Leipzig. Its members are coming from Hungary, Austria, Germany, and Croatia. Eurokrem's prime objective is to stir and bring together social groups which would otherwise stay apart. To move them and bring to thinking about art or society related topics. Public space is a group's playground. By organizing events, which may or may not have direct origin in art, the group is reflecting upon routine processes and activities of everyday life. On the newly introduced platform "info wall" Eurokrem is informing it's readers about, important exhibitions cultural happenings, scholarships, and similar topics.

Members: Orsi Horvat, Roman Sultze, Jakob Argauer, Michael Petri, Duga Bobanović Sikirica

Owner of Al' Quds

Roman Schulze working on his installation.

Video: Michael Petri; sculpture: Roman Schulze; painting: Duga Bobanovic-Sikirica,

decoration: Al' Quds.

Performance: Orsi Horvat